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Approved Grant Operations

List of approved grant operations

Grant operationSectorScopeLeadCo- FinanciersGrant amountApproval date
TA for small hydroelectric plant Lokoua for rural electrification in Guinea - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyTAAFDEUR 1,000,00016/12/2019
IG for Small hydroelectric plant Lokoua for rural electrification in Guinea - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyIGAFDEUR 24,000,00016/12/2019
TA in Sub-Saharan AfricaMulti sectorTAEIBEUR 15,000,00028/10/2019
EFSD EnvelopeMulti sectorTAMultiple FinanciersEUR 38,000,00028/10/2019
Rehabilitation of RN1 and RN2 Road Sections and Construction of the Maroua Bypass RoutesTransportIGAFDBEUR 30,000,00028/10/2019
Rehabilitation of the cotton road Djougou-Pehunco-Kérou-BankoaraTransportIGAFDBEUR 9,400,00028/10/2019
Togo Cizo pay-as-you-go solar electrification programme for rural poplulationsEnergyIGAFDBEUR 9,990,00028/10/2019
Niger Electricity Access II (NELACEP II)EnergyIGEIBEUR 18,200,00007/12/2018
Kenya Green Mini Grid Facility TAEnergyTAAFDEUR 1,750,00008/12/2017
Kenya Green Mini Grid Facility IGEnergyIGAFDEUR 3,900,00008/12/2017
InfraCo Ghana Wind Power EnergyFIPIDGEUR 9,250,00008/12/2017
Support for Geothermal Development in Tendaho (FI) - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyFIAFDEUR 8,000,00016/03/2017
TA for the Ruzizi III ProjectEnergyTAKfWEIB, AFD, AfDBEUR 1,900,00016/03/2017
IG for the Ruzizi III ProjectEnergyIGEIBAFD, KfW, AfDBEUR 22,000,00016/03/2017
Climate Finance for Mauritius - SUNREF Project (TA)EnergyTAAFDEUR 3,250,00016/03/2017
Climate Finance for Mauritius - SUNREF Project (IG)EnergyIGAFDEUR 3,750,00016/03/2017
Sustainable Access to Electricity in Southern Division - Access Component EnergyIGKfWAFDEUR 10,400,00016/03/2017
Béroubouay-Malanville Road Rehabilitation Project - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTTransportIGAfdBEUR 9,411,76516/03/2017
ASECNA EGNOS Phase B (re-approval of the grant under a new lead financier)TransportTAAFDEUR 5,000,00020/09/2016
Support to the development of a low carbon Public Private Partnership for the generation of electricity in MozambiqueEnergyTAAFDEUR 4,000,00020/09/2016
Small Hydro Power PlantsEnergyTAAFDEUR 1,500,00020/09/2016
Djermaya SolarEnergyFIPIDGEUR 6,350,00020/09/2016
IG for SUNREF West Africa Phase IIEnergyIGAFDEUR 2,434,00021/03/2016
TA for SUNREF West Africa Phase IIEnergyTAAFDEUR 6,000,00021/03/2016
Financing Facility for the Nigerian Power Distribution - DISCOsEnergyTAAFDEUR 2,300,00003/02/2016
Rural Electrification Kenya - Last Mile ConnectivityEnergyIGAFDEIBEUR 30,000,00003/02/2016
IG for the Pan Africa Katsina Solar Power Project - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyIGPIDGEUR 4,000,00009/12/2015
IG for the solar hybridization to increase national electrification - SHINE EnergyIGAFDEUR 14,400,00009/12/2015
TA for the solar hybridization to increase national electrification - SHINE EnergyTAAFDEUR 3,600,00009/12/2015
IG for the improvement and extension of Conakry's distribution networkEnergyIGAFDEUR 17,000,00009/12/2015
TA for the improvement and extension of Conakry's distribution networkEnergyTAAFDEUR 3,000,00009/12/2015
IG for the Ruzizi III Hydropower PlantEnergyIGEIBAFD, AfDB, KfWEUR 11,000,000 - EUR 1,900,000 (trransferred to KfW TA)09/12/2015
IG for the Sirari Corridor Accessibility & Road Safety Improvment Isebania-Kisii-Ahero Road RehabilitationTransportIGAfDBEUR 10,000,00009/12/2015
IG for the Regional Road Corridor "South Sudan Link"TransportIGKfWEUR 22,200,00009/12/2015
TA for the Regional Road Corridor "South Sudan Link"TransportTAKfWEUR 2,800,00009/12/2015
TA for the Lake Victoria regional transport phase II TransportTAPIDGEUR 1,400,00009/12/2015
Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo Road Rehabilitation ProjectTransportIGAfDBEUR 20,000,00030/06/2015
Uganda Rural Electricity Access Project - Technical AssistanceEnergyTAAfDBEUR 465,00030/06/2015
Uganda Rural Electricity Access Project - Investment GrantEnergyIGAfDBEUR 10,740,00030/06/2015
Electrification of North-Western Tanzania ProjectEnergyIGKfWAFDEUR 7,600,00030/06/2015
Rural Roads Infrastructures Development (2RID)TransportTACDPEUR 4,579,05030/06/2015
Ports Development Project in Comoros - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTTransportTAEIBEUR 5,130,00030/06/2015
Interconnection of the Electric Grids of Nile Equatorial Lakes CountriesEnergyTAAfDBEUR 2,000,00018/03/2015
Uganda Rural Electrification Project - IGEnergyIGAFDEUR 7,100,00019/11/2014
Uganda Rural Electrification Project - TAEnergyTAAFDEUR 1,200,00019/11/2014
Regional Mombasa Port Road Access ProjectTransportIGKfWAfDB, EIBEUR 20,000,00019/11/2014
Restructuring of Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd (CHCL)TransportTAAFDEUR 1,200,00010/09/2014
LV WATSAN KisumuWaterTAAFDEIBEUR 5,000,00003/07/2014
Renewable Energy Performance Platform - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyFIEIBEUR 15,000,00003/07/2014
Mbale-Bulambuli 132kV Transmission LineEnergyTAKfWEUR 500,00012/05/2014
Namibia Biomass and Solar Power Feasibility StudyEnergyTAEIBEUR 2,300,00028/03/2014
Support for Geothermal Development in Tendaho (Ethiopia)EnergyIGAFDEUR 3,000,00028/03/2014
Support for Geothermal Development in Tendaho (Ethiopia)EnergyTAAFDEUR 4,500,00028/03/2014
Investment Grant for the Access to Electricity in the Atlantique Province in BeninEnergyIGAFDEUR 20,000,00012/12/2013
Investment Grant for the Liberia Energy Efficiency Access Project (LEEAP)EnergyIGAfDBEUR 10,000,00012/12/2013
Technical Assistance for the GEFIOR projectEnergyTAAFDEUR 1,700,00012/12/2013
Technical Assistance for the Lake Victoria Regional Transport projectTransportTAPIDGEUR 600,00012/12/2013
Technical Assistance for the Mauritania Senegal Power Interconnection project - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyTAAFDEUR 5,500,00012/12/2013
Liberia Via Reservoir Feasibility Study/ESIA/ESMP - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyTAEIBEUR 4,800,00012/12/2013
Clean Cooking Program for AfricaEnergyTAKfWEUR 1,700,00012/12/2013
Congo-Gabon road and transport facilitation projectTransportTAAfDBEUR 3,402,10006/12/2013
Investment Grant for the Regional Rusumo Falls Hydropower Project EnergyIGAFDBEUR 12,750,00011/11/2013
Technical Assistance for the Regional Rusumo Falls Hydropower ProjectEnergyTAAFDBEUR 250,00011/11/2013
Technical Assistance for Financing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investment of Private Companies in West AfricaEnergyTAAFDEUR 1,500,00024/10/2013
Investment Grant for Financing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investments of Private Companies in West Africa EnergyIGAFDEUR 4,500,00024/10/2013
Investment Grant for the Extension of NIGELEC NetworksEnergyIGAFDEUR 11,000,00024/10/2013
Lake Turkana Financial InstrumentEnergyFIEIBAfDB, FINNFUNDEUR 25,000,00024/10/2013
GET FiT Premium Payment MechanismEnergyIGKfWEUR 20,000,00024/10/2013
Engaging Banks RTAP - Phase IIEnergyTAAFDEUR 2,100,00027/06/2013
Technical Assistance for the Kazungula Bridge Phase 2 ProjectTransportTAAFDBEUR 2,000,00013/12/2012
Technical Assistance for the Africa Sustainable Energy Facility - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyTAEIBEUR 3,000,00013/12/2012
First Loss Guarantee for the Africa Sustainable Energy Facility - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyDGEIBEUR 5,000,00013/12/2012
TA for Lake Victoria WATSAN MWANZAWaterTAAFDEIBEUR 1,500,00007/11/2012
IRS for Lake Victoria WATSAN MWANZAWaterIRSEIBAFDEUR 10,700,00007/11/2012
TA for Lake Victoria WATSAN MWANZAWaterTAEIBAFDEUR 5,500,00007/11/2012
Bumbuna Phase II Hydro-electric Project - Sierra LeoneEnergyTAPIDGAfDBEUR 2,500,00007/11/2012
Rehabilitation of Ruzizi I & II hydro power plants projectEnergyTAKfWAFD, EIBEUR 3,000,00002/10/2012
Direct Grant for Rural Electrification in Sierra LeoneEnergyDGAfDBKfWEUR 10,000,00019/09/2012
Upfront Subsidy for the CLSG Power Interconnection projectEnergyIRSEIBKfW, AfDBEUR 12,500,00019/09/2012
ASECNA - Capacity Enhancement TA ProgramTransportTAEIBEUR 2,000,00029/06/2012
Africa Energy Guarantee Facility (AEGF)EnergyTAEIBEUR 1,000,00029/06/2012
Masaka-Mbarara 220 kV Transmission LineEnergyTAAFDEUR 800,00019/04/2012
Mauritius Container Terminal (MCT) Extension ProjectTransportDGAFDEIBEUR 3,000,00019/04/2012
Togo-Burkina Faso Road Corridor and Transport Facilitation ProjectTransportTAAfDBKfWEUR 2,340,00019/04/2012
Itezhi-Tezhi Hydro Power and Transmission Line Project - TAEnergyTAEIBEUR 600,00012/03/2012
Itezhi-Tezhi Hydro Power and Transmission Line Project - IRSEnergyIRSEIBAFD, AfDBEUR 17,100,00012/03/2012
Central and West Africa Road Corridors - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTTransportTAEIBEUR 2,500,00015/12/2011
Transmission Line Kafue-Livingstone - IRSEnergyIRSEIBEUR 5,200,00015/12/2011
Transmission Line Kafue-Livingstone - TAEnergyTAEIBAFDEUR 350,000 + EUR 68,33315/12/2011
Eastern Africa Transport CorridorTransportIRSEIBEUR 16,600,00015/12/2011
Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility (GRMF)EnergyDGKfWEUR 30,000,00020/10/2011
Interconnection Bolgatanga Ouagadougou - TA for AFDEnergyTAAFDEIBEUR 4,800,00020/10/2011
Interconnection Bolgatanga Ouagadougou - IRS for AFDEnergyIRSAFDEIBEUR 2,800,00020/10/2011
Interconnection Bolgatanga Ouagadougou - IRS for EIBEnergyIRSEIBAFDEUR 6,700,00020/10/2011
West African Development Bank (Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement or BOAD) Development and Implementation of a Social and Environmental Management SystemMulti sectorTAAfDBEUR 400,00020/10/2011
Maputo AirportTransportTAAFDEUR 1,600,00005/07/2011
Kazungula Bridge and Border ProjectTransportTAAfDBEUR 1,000,00005/07/2011
WAPP IC Ghana-Burkina Faso- MaliEnergyTAAFDEUR 1,200,00005/07/2011
Muchinga Hydro Power - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyTAPIDGEUR 2,619,00005/07/2011
IRS for the Rehabilitation of the Great East Road within Nacala Regional Corridor - Zambia SectionTransportIRSAFDEUR 10,800,000 + EUR 2,900,00005/07/2011
Transboundary Water Supply Calueque (Angola) - Oshakati (Namibia)WaterTAKfWEUR 2,400,00025/05/2011
Multi-modal Rail Expansion Port of Dar es Salaam - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTTransportTAKfWEUR 257,00023/03/2011
Interconnection Côte d'Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinée (CLSG) ProjectEnergyTAEIBEUR 1,750,00023/03/2011
Mozambique Backbone Transmission System Project - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyTAAFDEUR 1,500,00021/02/2011
Mauritania Submarine Cable ConnectionICTIRSEIBEUR 1,574,000 + EUR 52,79104/02/2011
TA for the Feasibility Study on the terrestrial Segment of the NEPAD ICT Broadband Infrastructure Network for West, Central and North Africa (UMOJANET)ICTTAAFDEUR 1,350,00014/12/2010
Tanzania Backbone Interconnector ProjectEnergyIRSEIBEUR 13,700,00014/12/2010
Seychelles East Africa Submarine CableICTDGEIBEUR 4,000,00014/12/2010
Integrated Transport Master Plan for NamibiaTransportTAEIBEUR 560,00009/11/2010
Access to DoualaTransportIRSAFDEUR 5,700,00016/09/2010
Satellite enhanced Telemedicine and e-Health for sub-Saharan AfricaICTTALux-DevelopmentEUR 4,000,00023/08/2010
Capacity building for environmenatal impact assessment and clean development mechanism initiativesMulti sectorTAEIBEUR 900,00023/08/2010
African Internet Exchange System (AXIS)ICTTALux-DevelopmentEUR 5,100,00019/08/2010
Lower Orange River Hydropower - CANCELLED PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENTEnergyTAEIBEUR 1,600,00029/06/2010
Lake Victoria WATSAN - Kampala Water (Uganda) TAWaterTAKfWEUR 8,000,00029/06/2010
Lake Victoria WATSAN - Kampala WaterWaterIRSKfW / AFDEIBEUR 14,000,00029/06/2010
Rehabilitation of Great East Road, ZambiaTransportTAEIBEUR 1,000,000 + EUR 500,000 29/06/2010
Rehabilitation of the Great East Road, ZambiaTransportIRSEIBEUR 25,000,00029/06/2010
Engaging Banks in Financing Energy Transition Projects in East AfricaEnergyTAAFDEUR 2,000,00029/06/2010
Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant RehabilitationEnergyTAEIBEUR 1,500,00015/04/2010
Pre-investment study for the regional Transmission line Kibuye (Rwanda) - Goma (DRC) - Birembo (Rwanda)EnergyTAKfWEUR 800,00015/04/2010
Gibe III Hydropower - CANCELLED EnergyTAEIBEUR 1,300,00014/12/2009
Port de Pointe NoireTransportTAAfdEIBEUR 2,000,00014/12/2009
Expansion of the Walvis Bay Container TerminalTransportTAKfWEUR 450,00014/12/2009
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) Upgrading & Rehabilitation ProjectTransportTAEIBAfDEUR 5,000,00014/12/2009
Support to OMVG for a complementary economical study of the Sambangalu Hydro Power ProjectEnergyTAAFDEUR 350,00014/12/2009
Mozambique Backbone Transmission System ProjectEnergyTAEIBEUR 700,00014/12/2009
Port de Pointe NoireTransportIRSAfDEIBEUR 6,600,00010/11/2009
ECOWAS Electricity RegulationEnergyTAAfDEUR 1,700,00010/11/2009
Benin-Togo Power RehabilitationEnergyIRSEIBKfWEUR 12,250,00010/11/2009
Update of the WAPP MasterplanEnergyTAEIBEUR 935,000 + EUR 515,00022/10/2009
WAPP Coastal BackboneEnergyTAEIBEUR 1,750,00027/03/2009
Beira Corridor ProjectTransportIRSEIBnaEUR 29,000,000.0018/12/2008
Gouina - CANCELLEDEnergyTAAFDEUR 1,000,00018/12/2008
Ruzizi HydropowerEnergyTAEIBOe-EBEUR 2,800,000 + EUR 1,400,00029/05/2008
Caprivi InterconnectorEnergyIRSEIBKfW, AFDEUR 15,000,00022/01/2008
CLSG InterconnectionEnergyTAEIBKfWEUR 3,000,00016/10/2007
FelouEnergyIRSEIBEUR 9,335,00010/07/2007
Ethiopia-Kenya InterconnectionEnergyTAKfWAFDEUR 550,00010/07/2007
EASSyICTTAEIBKfW, AFDEUR 2,600,00005/07/2007